The IUSD Intradistrict/School Choice 2020-21
The IUSD Intradistrict/School Choice 2020-21 lottery window is now open until January 31st at 4:00pm. Our Intradistrict/School Choice grades of 6th to 7th and 8th to 9th have a choice of middle schools and high schools based on open space at the schools.
All IUSD students in 6th grade and 8th grade should have received an email and letter from the Office of Student Services prior to Winter Break. Should you need more information, you can click here to review the process and information. The lottery window opened at 9:00 a.m. on January 6th and closes at 4:00 p.m. on January 31st. Once the lottery window closes, all students who have requested a school other than their assigned school will be placed in a random lottery and spots assigned based on space at the requested school in a one-to-one exchange.